"In that place, there were a great number of children who were living desperately to survive the war. Proto rushed to one girl. In her tiny hand was a small white flower. The girl offered this single flower to Proto. It was then. The subordinates thought of the gentle expression Proto would get all of a sudden.Proto gazed at the young girl's face, her clear eyes, and the flower. Then, a vision that was not from the data in his mind flashed before his eyes. A field blanketed in flowers of many colours. A single white flower in the middle. And a beautiful young woman who looked a lot like the girl, with the same clear eyes, and the same white flower in her hands. She smiled at Proto, and spoke kind words to him. From Proto's human eyes, a single stream of tears overflowed. His subordinates stirred, for something amazing was taking place in front of their eyes. Proto was crying. He had aligned the little girl offering the flower, and the image of the woman that had flashed through his mind. He had recalled
his past memories..."
Абсолютно прекрасный момент. Моя сентиментальная душа перечитывает это вновь и вновь ~~~
Все-таки Прото, наверное, мне ближе, чем Зеро отчего-то... хотя, кто знает конечно....