

Мечты - не для того, чтоб ими грезить, а для того, чтоб их осуществлять. (с) Гакт
"On the second floor of that house was a grand piano. A sense of nostalgia rose in Zero, even though he should have been indifferent to such things as music. He gently stroked the keys. The instrument sounded pleasantly. He sat and played a few notes curiously. The other brigade members who were cleaning their pistols came to a stop. He started clumsily, but gradually began a flowing performance that echoed through the room. A beautiful timbre. Somehow ephemeral. Zero forgot time as he played. And while he played, he realised there was a second consciousness dwelling inside him...."

"People, no matter who they are, flee from suffering. They even try
to forget their past. One brigade member had offered his body up as
payment so that his family and loved ones would be able to avoid the
flames of war. One brigade member had chosen this rather than face the
harshness of living. Another had thrown his own self away, unable to
bear the terror of the war. But now they had taken back their "Memory"
and "Will". They knew what was truly important. To be at the side of
those they loved. To stand against pain and suffering alike"

В таких моментах Гакт просто бесподобен! В очередной раз проникаюсь к .нему невероятным уважением и трепетом. Волшебно.

@темы: Гакто-сама, чепуха сумасшедшей кошки

27.04.2009 в 00:23

её ноябрьство Катрина Кейнс | синяя сойка в голубой траве | high unicorn tolerance
Волшебно. это точно... пианино... пианино...аж поиграть захотелось..непередаваемые ощущения, когда проводишь пальцами по чуть холодноватым клавишам, и потом музыка играет вместе с мелодией души....ну почему сейчас ночь?(
27.04.2009 в 00:27

Мечты - не для того, чтоб ими грезить, а для того, чтоб их осуществлять. (с) Гакт
Сказочный Рыцарь
Да, и эта музыка вернула Зеро, киборгу. воспоминания свои и своего предшественника Прото. А вслед за ним они проснулись и проявились у остальных членов отряда.~~

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